Next to You

Today I called to you,
For You are just and true.
You are God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it's true.
But You, You are my God too.

Jesus has proven His love to me,
And showed the best things in life are really free.
You've taken my sin, my cross, my shame,
You rose again, I praise Your name.

You are Holy and High,
Your right hand, full of might.
I will stand by Your side, Lord,
I will fight the fight with the righteous sword.

I am made strong and courageous, against those absurd,
Not by power or might, but by Spirit says the Word.
And the war shall rise against me,
The Lord will hear me, and see.

My heart shall not fear,
for the Lord is with me at any length,
He will deliver me
and give me His strength.

Copyright © 2002 Tara J Gutches. All Rights Reserved.
A Woman for God

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