Contact Us!

Because of the volume of e-mails we receive, it is impossible for Pastor Linda to respond to every person who writes. If you have an opinion or question, please understand that we will not debate theological issues. You are certainly welcome to send your opinions, corrections and questions, but we can't guarantee we will be able to respond.


Submit the following form to send me an email.

Email Address:
Your Website URL:
What country are you from?
(i.e., United States, Canada,
UK, Germany, India, etc.)
I want to... sponsor a missionary*
sponsor a child*

* We will contact you on how to donate via PayPal
you may send a letter or donation by post, Western Union, or MoneyGram to:

Rev. Linda S. Smallwood
1215 Jefferson Avenue
Shelbyville, IN 46176-2553 USA

Comments or Questions:
Form provided by Freedback.

My Redeemer Lives Christian Ministry
is a non-denominational, Christ-centered Free Church Ministry and Missions Society.
In accordance with IRS Code § 508(c)(1)(A), all donations are tax-deductible.